When I bought 12 Aberdeen Angus cross dairy heifers as part of a Welsh government grant for young people in agriculture, selling their Charolais cross calves seemed like a lifetime away! But after 2 trailer trips this morning, there they were going through the ring. You do end up thinking of all the work that has gone into them in 18 months: a couple of tricky calvings, a bout of the scours, TB tests, lots of feeding and strawing up, 2 summers in the fields- and then away they go!
The store cattle and barren cow trade today seemed pretty good today so I was happy. The 1 cow was a Ruby Red which has not got great milk: she made good money but I didn't want to watch her go through the ring as she is a lovely cow but no good to the future of my herd if she has poor milk sadly. I have to think with my head not my heart- essential in farming.
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